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Розробник: Andrew Arrow

I sometimes have trouble reading every word of RSS articles I want to read. Im a skimmer. I read the first few words of the first few sentences of each paragraph. I cant help it! All the words for the entire article are right there. My eyes jump and before you know it Im done with the article and didnt really read it.

Then I noticed that I always read every word of instant message conversations with friends. I have no choice, Im reading the words as they are being typed. But I like it. So, I think I would prefer to read my RSS articles this way. Enter RssChat.

Select an RSS Feed and it will load all the stories and type them out, as if the author is typing each word to you in a private chat. If you need the full article in normal web form there is a "Browser" button that loads the story link.

Ive been using it for a while now and really like it at times. You have to be "in the mood" for an RssChat. When you are waiting for soemthing and want to be entertained, have a famous RSS author "talk" to you and you will actually read every word.